


Applications now open . Board certified or eligible Dermatologist for a hands on cosmetic and hair fellowship focusing on cosmetic injections, cosmeceuticals, procedures and devices, hair loss diagnosis, treatment, restoration, PRP, and cosmetic practice management under direction of Dr. Rana Mays. Fellows will work one on one with Dr. Mays to see live patients and assist in consultations, medical dermatology, hair loss analysis and diagnosis, injectable procedures, face and body devices, and cosmoceuticals with heavy emphasis on assessment, multimodality treatment, and customized care. One fellow position per year. Educational grants available. Must have KY license. Please submit your CV, three recent letters of recommendations, and a personal statement to Applications are accepted first come, first serve. Thank you for your interest.

Internship Opportunity:

Are you a student in training? Interested in learning more about dermatology, aesthetics, or integrative skincare? Do you want guidance on choosing a field, need mentorship on your career path, or just want an insiders look into our approach? We welcome students of any kind, and invite you to apply below! 
Please submit an email (250 words or less) with the following information: 
Your email should be sent to with the subject “Internship Opportunity.”


We are growing and always looking for passionate Dermatology staff to join our wonderful team !!!  Our office offers full time employment, 401K benefits, health insurance and many other perks. If you are interested in applying for a position, please fill out ALL the information below and attach your resume.  Our office will reach out to you for an interview if desired. We thank you for your application.

