EVERY visit is with a Double Board-Certified Dermatologist, Rana Mays MD FAAD. You are never seen by a mid-level (nurse practitioner or physician assistant)
All procedures are performed only by our Double Board-Certified Dermatologist with extensive expertise in Cosmetic procedures, lasers, and hair loss procedures
Our appointments are 3x longer than average and we run on time
Transparent pricing, no surprise bills
Most treatments are done the same day, minimizing follow-ups
No burdensome insurance regulations on your visit and procedures, no high deductibles, no denials or surprise statements. You get the care you need when you want it. You are assured the best treatment is determined only by your expert Dermatologist and not the insurance company
Flexible easy online + phone scheduling within minutes!
Easy direct access to your Dermatologist for your common questions (no hold times and un-answered messages)
Virtual (online) appointments available (Dr. Mays has patients from all over the USA, Canada, Middle East, and Europe)
SAME day fit ins for all Dermatologic needs
Direct affordable dispense of prescription medications